Tuesday 2 December 2014

Minutes of the meeting 2.12.14

Henry, Jodie, Quinn, Amelie, Lois, Nathaniel, Dominic, Emily, Lloyd, Ellie, Neve, Ruben.

Henry led the Scool Council Prayer.

Guest speaker
Ideas for Academy activities.

Mrs. Cooper asked to approach School Council. She explained the role of ELSA at school and asked if school council would agree to requesting some extra funding from Friends of School. When asked what exactly was needed, Mrs Cooper explained that the children attending ELSA would really benefit from some new games and some cuddly blankets.
School Council voted unanimously to support Mrs.Cooper's request and decided to request a sum of £40.00. Jodie and Amelie volunteered to compose a letter to F.O.S.

Ideas for Academy activities.
  • Joint year 5 camp
  • Joining for Leeson and Y6 adventure camp.
  • KS2 rugby/sport festivals
  • KS1 picnic
  • Talent shows
  • Christmas Carol concert
  • Choir
Suggestions to be passed on to Mrs.Brown.

Mrs. Rees was reminded about the request for an outside activity for Golden Time.

Henry closed the meeting and thanked everyone for coming.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Minutes of our meeting 18.11.14

Council Present,
Henry, Jodie, Lois, Nathaniel, Dominic, Emily, Ruben, Neve.
Yr5 and Y2 at Streetwise.

Henry led the School Council prayer.

Finding time.
Fundraising updates
New projects.

Mrs. Rees and Scool council have been concerned that we have not been able to meet regularaly due to other commitments. After discussion with Mrs. Brown it was decided that we will make sure we have our fortnightly meetings at 2.30 on Tuesdays. Mrs. Brown kindly agreed to take Y4 library session so we can meet. Thank you Mrs. Brown!

We reviewed the progress we have made, as a school, with our fundraising for charity this term.
Macmillan Cancer- £86.00
Jeans for Genes - An amazing £239.00!
A large collecxtion for Children in Need.
The Poppy Appeal. Thankyou Peter for all your hard work and the amazing wreath.
Shoe boxes. This has been very successful with the new approach. A huge variety of items were brought in and a group of very kind parents spent the morning of November 10th sorting and wrapping. Thank you all....The boxes look amazing!

New projects. Now we are part of the B.E.T. Academy we will be exploring ways we can link up with Spetisbury and ArchBishop Wake Schools to develop our bond and move forward together.
Action. School Council will collect ideas from classes about activities they would enjoy sharing with the other schools.

Matters Arising
Dominic has been asked by Year 3 to request an outside activity in golden time.
Maybe we could talk nicely to Mr.Thomas!
KS 2 Girls have concerns that one of the toilets has not been locking properly leaving three classes of girls with only one toilet!
There was also a request for more soap!   Mrs. Rees will pass this on to Mrs. Milner.

Mrs Rees thanked everyone for coming.
Date of next meeting 2.12.14.

Tuesday 9 September 2014


Last week each class elected their representatives to sit on this year's School Council.
We held our first meeting today.

Role of school council
Election of posts of responsibility.
Organisation of Jeans for Genes Fundraising

We are proud to present,
 Y6    Henry Roberts       Chairperson
 Y6    Jodie Kirkham       Vice Chair
 Y5    Quinn Peters          Technical Support
 Y5    Amelie Thornewill  Promotions
 Y4    Lois Wood             Secretary
 Y4    Nathaniel Bennets
 Y3    Dominic Wise
 Y3    Emily Keep
 Y2    Lloyd Cork
 Y2   Ellie Penhollow
 Y1   Neve Reglar
 Y1   Reuben Gates.

A letter was drafted for parents explaining the plans for J4G day.
Photographs taken for display boards to introduce new School Council Reps.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Minutes of meeting 13.5.14

Meeting chaired by Jamie [Vice chair]
Everyone present [except y6, busy with SATS!]
  • Fund raising
  • School prayer
1.We discussed the annual trip to the beach. Everyone was quite shocked to find out how much it costs to organise. We felt we would like to contribute to show our appreciation and understanding of the situation. the following ideas were the most popular.
  • A cake sale 
  • Cold drinks sale on Sports day.
  • Sponsored fun run, [Around the field!]
We will decide a date for the cake sale and plan a letter to parents inviting them to make cales.
We will meet on Friday lunchtime to design posters to promote the event.
Mrs. Rees will discuss with staff and Friends of School the idea of a fun run or drinks on sports day.

2. Mrs. Rees read the prayer that was used to welcome Mrs. Brown as our new Headteacher. Everyone loved it and voted unanimously to adopt it as our New School Prayer.

Jess and Jan will type it out and distribute it to all classes.

Mrs. Rees thanked everyone for coming and for the lively and enthusiastic debate.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Minutes of meeting 11.3.14

Sadie and Leonie YR, Mia and Oliver Y1, Callum Y2, Finlee and Katey Y3, Jan and Jessica Y4, Jamie (Vice chair) and Eliie Y5, Harry (Chair) and Suranne Y6

School Prayer.
Overview of recent events.
The way ahead
Saying Goodbye.

We discussed how the interview process had gone and Mrs. Rees complimented everyone on their contributions. Everyone agreed the correct decision had been made.
We began to think of new projects to be taken on and agreed we need to get more feedback from our classes. We decided our school council response sheets need to be updated and Mrs Rees took photos to prepare these.
Everyone agreed to find time to ask their classes for issues that need to be addressed.
We began to share some ideas about how to say Goodbye to Mr Lavis, but this will need to be continued........

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Meeting 14.1.14

 Everone present
School prayer.
Discussion of children surveys.

We discussed the values and qualities our classes thought are important in a head teacher. We looked at everybody’s responses and voted on which we thought were most important.

This has become our wish list!
Someone who...........
·         Is fun and can make our learning fun
·         Listens, respects and values everyone’s opinions
·         Is a good communicator
·         Is trustworthy. Someone we can rely on
·         Challenges us, but is also supportive
·         Is arty and creative
·         Is able to manage behaviour
·         Is approachable
·         Is sporty
·         Has lots of teaching experience   
       A meeting has been arranged for the older members of school council to meet Mr Lavis and find out what qualities he has found to be the most important during his time as Head at BSM.

      Next meeting 21.1.14 to plan the questions for the candidates.


Tuesday 7 January 2014

Minutes of the meeting 7.1.14

School council met today. A few changes have been made to the line up. Year 5 and 6 had a lot of responsibility with fundraising last term and so have kindly let others stand.
The new school members are  as follows,

Harry Manners, Y6 Chair person
Jamie Hall y5 Vice chair
Suranne Young  Y6  and Ellie,  Secretary and technical support.

School council role in the appointment of the new headteacher for our school.

Mr Phipps ( Chair of School governors) addressed the meeting and explained how important it will be for the interviewing panel to hear the pupil voice.
We agreed the school council would,
  • Research what the children want in a new headteacher.
  • Discuss with Mr Lavis what, he feels, makes a good headteacher at BSM.
  • Devise a list of qualities and values we will be looking for.
  • Create a list of questions to ask candidates.
  • Design a feedback form we can use for our observations.
Everyone will be involved in the interviews and showing candidates around our school.
 Finally wediscussed the importance of our role and the need for confidentiality.