Wednesday 19 November 2014

Minutes of our meeting 18.11.14

Council Present,
Henry, Jodie, Lois, Nathaniel, Dominic, Emily, Ruben, Neve.
Yr5 and Y2 at Streetwise.

Henry led the School Council prayer.

Finding time.
Fundraising updates
New projects.

Mrs. Rees and Scool council have been concerned that we have not been able to meet regularaly due to other commitments. After discussion with Mrs. Brown it was decided that we will make sure we have our fortnightly meetings at 2.30 on Tuesdays. Mrs. Brown kindly agreed to take Y4 library session so we can meet. Thank you Mrs. Brown!

We reviewed the progress we have made, as a school, with our fundraising for charity this term.
Macmillan Cancer- £86.00
Jeans for Genes - An amazing £239.00!
A large collecxtion for Children in Need.
The Poppy Appeal. Thankyou Peter for all your hard work and the amazing wreath.
Shoe boxes. This has been very successful with the new approach. A huge variety of items were brought in and a group of very kind parents spent the morning of November 10th sorting and wrapping. Thank you all....The boxes look amazing!

New projects. Now we are part of the B.E.T. Academy we will be exploring ways we can link up with Spetisbury and ArchBishop Wake Schools to develop our bond and move forward together.
Action. School Council will collect ideas from classes about activities they would enjoy sharing with the other schools.

Matters Arising
Dominic has been asked by Year 3 to request an outside activity in golden time.
Maybe we could talk nicely to Mr.Thomas!
KS 2 Girls have concerns that one of the toilets has not been locking properly leaving three classes of girls with only one toilet!
There was also a request for more soap!   Mrs. Rees will pass this on to Mrs. Milner.

Mrs Rees thanked everyone for coming.
Date of next meeting 2.12.14.

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