Tuesday 27 January 2015

Minutes of the meeting 27.1.15.

Henry, Jodie, Quinn, Amelie, Lois, Nathaniel, Dominic, Emily,  Ellie, Neve, Ruben.Ruby and Callum.

Henry led the school prayer.
Welcome to our new members from Reception class.
Request for consideration of trikes from Mrs. Harris.

We discussed if we felt the school should pay out for new bikes and trikes.
A vote was held with a clear divide. KS1 felt yes KS2 said no!
Chair Henry suggested that if we could raise some money that half could be spent replacing bikes and trikes and half could be spent on new balls and goals for KS2. This was agreed.
We discussed possible ways of making money.
  • cake sale
  • unwanted toy sale
  • Enterprise week profits.
Any other business.
Mrs.Rees reported back that teachers agreed an outside activity for golden time would be arranged for the summer term.
Year 3 reps had been asked if it would be possible for the summer house to have a coat of paint.....also one for the Spring, we think.

Henry closed the meeting and thanked everyone for coming.

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